

Olivier Mosset




During the Salon de la Jeunesse Peinture of 1967 Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Michel Parmentier and Niele Toroni started to present their works as being part of a collective known as the B.M.P.T. group restricting themselves to a formal way of painting. They deprived their paintings from any emotional message, i.e. Buren made vertical stripes, Mosset single circles, Parmentier horizontal beams and Toroni dotted brush strokes.
Olivier Mosset: 'We refused collectors to inform them about which painting was made by whom. The works were not signed and at a certain point collectors even wanted to know what was top or bottom side, something we did not find important at all'. The idea was that no one would tell anything about its individual origine. We were against speculation and investments in the arts.' Soon the group split for a large part due to fact that Olivier Mosset started to paint also vertical stripes. Daniel Buren didn't appreciate that practice at all. Olivier Mosset: 'He came to me and asked: "What are you doing, these images are mine!" The idea that the individual paintings could have been painted by any of them was in the eyes of Daniel Buren misinterpreted by Mosset. They didn't talk to each other for more than twenty years.

Until today Olivier Mosset is the most radical artist of the B.M.P.T. group. He hardly makes small paintings. He says: 'I don't like very much to make small paintings.... and besides, the large paintings I make are more difficult to sell....'. In this sense he is still loyal to the anti-capitalistic attitude of the seventies. To young artists he is generous and on a regular basis he buys art pieces from them and donates these to museums.