

Louwrien Wijers




Born in 1941, Aalten, Netherlands
Lives and works in Ferwerd, Friesland, Netherlands

Solo exhibitions 2003 Mijn Heyboer-tijd met Hannes van Es, Kunstruimte Wagemans, Beesterzwaag, Netherlands 2011 Words to be framed, Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam
Group exhibitions 1972 Galerie im Goethe Institut, Amsterdam 1972 Bathiliem Gallery, New York, U.S.A. 1973 Galerie im Goethe Institut, Amsterdam 1974 Galerie im Goethe Institut, Amsterdam 1982 Van Reekummuseum, Apeldoorn. Netherlands 1982 ICA, Antwerpen 1992 Fodor Museum, Amsterdam 1998 Artists for Tibet, Amsterdam 2003 Kunstruimte Wagemans, Beesterzwaag, Netherlands 2003 Biennale van Venetië, Utopia Station 2007 Cumulus, Kunstruimte NP40, Amsterdam, curator Marieke Bolhuis 2008 Kasteel Nienoord, Leek, Netherlands 2011 Kunstruimte Wagemans, Nw Annerveen, Netherlands 2013 The Temptation of AA Bronson, Witte de With, Rotterdam, Netherlands 2013 Onmogelijke Kunst op Solder, Museum8 in Ons LieveHeer op Solder, Amsterdam 2014 UMCG / Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, with Ids Ferwoud 2015 Postcards are to be looked at, Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam 2015 RongWrong/Amsterdam, solo booth at Brussels Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium 2015 Anarchic Situation, Kunstruimte Wagemans, Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands, curated by Marc Bijl 2016 Imagine Europe - In Search of New Narratives, BOZAR / Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels, Belgium 2018 100 Days Beuys - events and speakers on Joseph Beuys, Ferwerd, Friesland, Netherlands 2020 Tomorrow's Language, 34 works by Louwrien Wijers spread throughout the city of Groningen, Netherlands
Events 2013 Lacing Buddhist Threads in Contemporary Art, Witte de With, Rotterdam, Netherlands 2013 Onmogelijke kunst op solder - Museumnacht, Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder, Amsterdam
Journals and newspapers 1960-1963 editor's board, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Groningen 1963-1964 employee GPD, Londen 1964-1964 employee GPD, Parijs 1965-1966 editor's board, Het Parool, Amsterdam 1966-1967 editor's board, Geïllustreerde Pers, Amsterdam 1964-1965 employee Hitweek, Amsterdam 1965-1978 employee Museum Journaal, Amsterdam 1967-1969 employee Algemeen Handelsblad - Supplement, Amsterdam 1986-1997 employee Het Financieele Dagblad - Kunstkroniek, Amsterdam
Biblography, publications 1979 Ben d'Armagnac praat met Louwrien Wijers, Brooklyn Museum / Louwrien Wijers - New York / Amsterdam, interview 1979 Vito Acconci talks to Louwrien Wijers, Arnhem, interview 1980 Joseph Beuys talks to Louwrien Wijers, Arnhem, interview 1981 Andy Warhol talks to Louwrien Wijers, Toronto, Canada, interview 1982 H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet talks to Louwrien Wijers, Arnhem, interview 1983 Science and Spirituality, Amsterdam (in English) 1984 Science and Spirituality, Stuttgart/Tokyo (in German and Japanese) 1985 Art, Science, Spirituality (catalogus 'Zugehend auf eine Biennale des Friedens'), Hamburg, Germany 1990 'Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy', The Hague, Netherlands 1992 'Schreiben als Plastik 1978-1987, Berlin, Germany 1995 Ben d'Armagnac 1940-1978, Amsterdam, monography 1996 Writing as Sculpture 1978-1987, London, England 1996 Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy, 'From Competition to Compassion', Academy Editions, London, England 2000 'Satori', Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver, Wuppertal, Germany, cat. 2000 Three Turnings of the Wheel, Dalai Lama, New Delhi, India, hand written publication 2000 Dagboek India 2000, IJmuiden, Netherlands 2001 Sacred Music, Hiroshima-Miyajima, Japan (handgeschreven publicatie) 2002 Compassionate Economy, New Delhi, India (handgeschreven publicatie) 2006 Compassionate Economy, Tibet House, New Delhi, India (boek) 2007 Beeldpublicatie, Point d'Ironie van Agnes B., Parijs 2007 Yutaka Matsuzawa 'talks' to Louwrien Wijers, AIDA, Tokyo, voor Documenta Kassel 2016 De Saint uit de Himalaya's van New York, Roos van der Lint, De Groene Amsterdammer, 7 september
2016 Art Meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
DVDs 1990 15 parts video series of interviews with panel members in 'Art meets Science and Spiritualty in a changing Economy', Amsterdam 1992 5 parts video series of dialogues in panel 'Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy', New York, U.S.A. 2003 '1973', slide series 'Mijn Heyboertijd met Hannes van Es', free jazz trompet Toshinori Kondo, Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands 2007 Video portrait John Cage and sound portrait Allan Kaprow, 'Happening' Mediamatic, Amsterdam